
Ireland’s Year of Elections: Why now is a critical time to engage your political stakeholders

May 2, 2024—2024 marks a historic election year, with over 2 billion individuals participating in national elect...

How Malaysia is regulating the rise in cybersecurity threats

April 30, 2024—For many businesses around the globe, ‘a matter of when, not if’ is ringing ever truer when it c...

FTI Consulting UK Public Affairs Snapshot: After Humza Yousaf, what next for the SNP and Scottish politics?

April 29, 2024—Few political careers rise and fall quite so quickly. At 12:00 today, Humza Yousaf announced his res...

Communicating Flexibility: Clarifying your Employee Value Proposition to attract and retain talent

April 24, 2024—This month, the Flexible Working Bill came into effect, meaning: Employees can now request flexible ...