
We help corporate and financial clients execute the people side of growth deals and corporate transactions across the deal life cycle. This includes merger of equals, divestiture, spin-out, carve-out and bolt-on acquisition, as well as change in ownership structure.

We work with leadership and critical partners to accelerate the future state of the business through targeted communications, change management and enablement activities.

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Why Due Diligence is more than a numbers game

May 23, 2023 — When deals fail, it’s rarely because someone failed to spot a decimal point was wrong in a spreads...

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Getting M&A communications right: Interview with Leslie Benson & Edward Bridges

September 29, 2021 — Many companies often wish they had communicated differently during M&A integrations – sharing ...

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Managing Disruption, Having Difficult Conversations

September 1, 2020 — The global COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis had a sudden and unprecedented impact on organisati...