Future of Work

We help clients tackle the people challenges, issues and opportunities that arise as they move towards new operating models in response to a shift in strategy or operations, new product offerings or market changes.

As companies consider a post-pandemic environment, we provide support in the transition to a more flexible working environment.

Leading, communicating and managing change amidst ongoing disruption requires foresight, agility and transparency. When executed effectively, change can lead to incredible results, including increased confidence, innovations and exceptional performance.

We work with clients to anticipate and address the perceptions, potential impacts and processes that hinder or help on the path to transformation by designing and implementing communications, managing change, enabling leaders and supporting employees in the transition to new ways of working.

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Learning Reimagined: Skills, knowledge and capability post lockdown

September 1, 2020 — In FTI Consulting’s People & Change team, we know that effective learning is a transformative ...

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Learning reimagined for a hybrid world of work

August 17, 2020 — What happens to 70:20:10 in the new world of work? A long-established and well-evidenced model state...

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Navigating towards the Future of Work

August 5, 2020 — Like many organisations, we’ve been dedicating a significant amount of effort and energy into navi...

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Back to the future of work: Reinventing the working environment in a post-pandemic world

July 1, 2020 — The COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis has substantially accelerated changes in WHERE and HOW peo...