Social Responsibility & Corporate Citizenship

As social factors grow in importance, so too do stakeholder expectations of companies to demonstrate strong community engagement and corporate purpose.

FTI Consulting has extensive experience helping companies align their corporate strategies with the needs of various stakeholders, including employees, communities, customers and the future workforce  in a way that delivers both reputational benefits and meaningful engagement. We help our clients to:

  • Ensure Strategic Alignment – Corporate citizenship efforts must be authentic and credible to be meaningful. Effective engagement is achieved when a company’s core areas of expertise are leveraged to meet critical societal needs while also aligning with their stated mission, vision and values.
  • Amplify Message – Develop a branded platform, including a narrative that articulates a company’s focus and activities, and an outreach plan to generate awareness and understanding among key stakeholders.
  • Take an Inside-Out Approach – seeking opportunities to engage employees in the decision-making process to increase buy-in and engagement around the strategy, whilst also addressing employees’ needs.
  • Leverage Partnerships – establishing strategic third-party partnerships with entities whose missions align with a company’s strategic focus to deliver the greatest impact, build good will and mitigate operational risk.

Christine DiBartolo
Senior Managing Director
[email protected]

Kerstin Duhme
Senior Managing Director
[email protected]

Sara Powell
Managing Director
[email protected]
