Europe, Middle East & Africa

In business today, the only certainty is change and this brings additional complexity to the already thorny challenge of enhancing and defending your reputation. At FTI Consulting, we see our role as helping companies navigate through these shifting sands, providing communications advice that allows businesses to achieve their objectives and defend their freedom to operate. With approximately 500 of consultants in EMEA, our team has the breadth and depth of experience to help ensure that the right message reaches the right audience at the right time.

An Inhospitable Environment: Covid-19 and the future of the UK’s leisure and hospitality industries

May 20, 2020—The Covid-19 pandemic is having a profound impact on every sector of the UK economy. The need to res...

The Anatomy of a Crisis #4 – COVID-19: Is business ready for a second spike?

May 20, 2020—What about the second spike?

FTI Consulting Public Affairs Snapshot – Beyond Coronavirus: The Future of the Treasury

May 13, 2020—Survival is the easy bit. Recovering will be much, much harder.

How the Coronavirus pandemic is affecting social media advertising: Five things you should know

May 12, 2020—We’re living in unprecedented times. We don’t know how it’s all going to play out, how long it...