Digital & Insights

FTI Spotlight Series: Volker Davids

Volker Davids is a sociologist & Senior Consultant in the Berlin SC office and has been with FTI just over two years, having joined in the first month of the Pandemic.

50% of his time is focused on digital positioning of executives, and consulting in corporate affairs, while the remaining 50% of his work at FTI is as a data analyst in the Digital Insights EMEA/APAC team.

Since 2006 Volker has experience as a project manager and digital strategist for online agencies, has been an independent strategy consultant and start-up founder, and also spent some time working with social listening tool provider Brandwatch to evaluate the social media activities of 300 DACH B2B companies for the B2B Social Media Report.

Volker, how do you feel that the communications landscape has changed over the past two years, either as a result of COVID or anything else?

I see four main developments in the foreground:

  1. Digital has finally reached Germany – in 2014, politicians still called it “Neuland” (uncharted territory).
  2. Internal corporate communications have gained in importance
  3. CEO communication now goes beyond business reporting.
  4. There is a firm and thematic focus on sustainability

Covid pushed companies on the digital front in general and social media in particular in Germany – and highlighted the infrastructural failures of the past 20 years.

In the private sphere, social media use – for information and orientation as well as for entertainment and private exchange – increased 75% during COVID. In addition to social media, video and especially podcast formats have experienced a boom.

The importance of internal corporate communication has grown. On the one hand, the need to design digital workplaces and work processes has been recognized as a critical element for success. On the other hand, we’re also seeing the growing importance of the task of supporting collaboration throughout companies while also fostering a stronger sense of community.

CEO communication, too, continues to grow in importance. CEOs are being called upon for ever-more authenticity, while also being required to increase strategic communication on success-critical issues to all relevant stakeholders externally and to build trust among employees internally. For more on this, I recommend looking at the new FTI-report “Leading from the Front – The tipping point in the rise of the Social CEO”.

Another trendy topic is sustainability, which also finds itself in a field of tension. Climate change plays an important role, but sometimes general sustainability messages get lost in the sustainability background noise. To survive the attention competition, sustainability communication must be concrete.

Other noteworthy developments include the fact that Smartphones have experienced the greatest increase in importance in a company context. Their use has increased from ~50% (2018) to ~90% (2021). In addition, the increased use of the Internet is creating new challenges for the infrastructure, on the one hand on the security side (keyword cybersecurity) and on the other hand in connectivity and stability of the connections – we still use good old copper cables in Germany!

#Funfact: In Germany, 1,500 new neologisms have developed in connection with the corona pandemic, e.g., “hyperinflammation syndrome,” “superspreading event,” “economic stabilization fund,” or – my favourite – “telephone certificate of incapacity for work”

 What unique solutions can FTI bring to help clients navigate that changing landscape?

With our outstanding Data Insights Infrastructure from landscape mapping to message testing, FTI can analyse communication in various subject areas and derive targeted strategic recommendations. FTI’s global activities cover different language areas and the broad spectrum of practices enables different perspectives and interpretation horizons, which can view customer challenges holistically and solve problems sustainably.

How does your team work with others in the firm to provide holistic and integrated solutions?

We work across countries and continents with colleagues in Brussels, London and Singapore. This enables an intercultural and diverse approach with different perspectives that go beyond a one-sided local view of a challenge.

What is the most important piece of advice you’d give companies and organizations right now?

Every communications project should begin with a targeted fundamental analysis of the communications environment. Topics, key players and competitors should be precisely located in terms of their visibility, interests and positioning in order to derive a comprehensive status quo assessment for the client and to develop an optimal sustainable solution approach.

What advice would you give young career professionals who are just starting out in this line of work?

Listen to your colleagues – in the office, from other practices – and try to get in touch with other  colleagues outside your office on a regular basis to get to know other perspectives and great people.

Also create a Twitter account and follow exciting users who are active in the different areas of your field of activity to get to know new perspectives outside the FTI world.

What have you personally learned the most from your time at FTI?

I learned a new perspective on global economic challenges and how to translate them into sustainable solutions as part of a global team.

What’s the last book you’ve read or show that you’ve streamed?

“Muster/Patterns” by Armin Nassehi (German sociologist), next book “Atlas of AI” by Kate Crawford.


The views expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and not necessarily the views of FTI Consulting, its management, its subsidiaries, its affiliates, or its other professionals.

©2022 FTI Consulting, Inc. All rights reserved.

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