Digital & Insights

FTI Spotlight Series: Emma Woodward

Emma Woodward is a Senior Director in FTI’s data, analytics and insights team in London. The team puts data-driven insights and advanced analytics at the heart of communications programs for clients across industries.

Emma, how do you feel the communications landscape has changed over the past two years as a result of COVID or other factors such that data analytics has become more integral to FTI’s planning and strategy.

The biggest shift I’ve seen has been moving from thinking about comms through the lens of reputation to one of purpose. Purpose is the new lens through which a lot of our clients are re-examining their goals, objectives and path to growth.

From a data and analytics standpoint, the question that follows becomes “how does a company measure the success of a purpose driven strategy?” What are some of the different ways to approach that, as opposed to just focusing the measurement on reputation more broadly.

The role I see data and analytics playing is solidifying a company’s strategy. It’s key.  Data and analytics driven insights determine the role companies can credibly play within a given space. For example, ESG; lots of companies are thinking about their role in that space, but helping our clients better navigate the ESG landscape based on insights gleaned from relevant data is useful. There’s a range of technical solutions we use to help clients. One of those things is virtual message testing, which is a proprietary solution we’ve developed that allows us to pre-test messaging for companies before it enters the public domain. We then compare those messages to existing media narratives and assess any risks.

Can you describe the ways in which primary research and data science inform what you do for campaigns for clients?

Primary research and data science are two sides of the same coin and are both very complementary to the work we do. We like to try and use both whenever possible!

Primary research helps us get direct insight into specific groups. It also helps us to understand niche audiences. Data science can be layered on top of that, to make more sense of the information, and to help us better understand what we call “unprompted conversations” that are happening externally, from various forms of media, online conversation trends or other formats.

What piece of advice can you give companies or brands who are beginning to consider using primary research and data science or analytics to reach their stakeholders?

I would say, start small. Don’t try to do it all at once. Don’t try to do an entire data overhaul. As a starting point, think about one campaign or theme at a time, allowing for a thorough understanding of the landscape around it.

Questions a company might ask when embarking on primary research and data science journeys might include “what is our current position?” “what are current perceptions around us that inform this position?” “What’s the ideal?” “who are we trying to reach?” “What behavior are we trying to change?” etc.

After answering those questions, we’ll be better placed to see which data, insights or research techniques would be useful to get us to that ideal state. Bottom line? Pick a campaign or initiative and then figure out the current state of play.

What advice would you give young career professionals just starting out in this business?

Stay curious. That sounds like one of those inspirational quotes, but it happens to be true! I think as advisors and as consultants, it’s on us to stay on top of things, on top of trends, and to always be a few steps ahead.

It can be so easy to fall into the trap of thinking we already know how to do something. Technically, I’ve been running data-driven campaigns for clients for years, but I can’t let myself get complacent and I always try to stay on the cutting edge by consuming as much information as I can. Even pop culture is important in terms of being able to read the room and be better informed about the current environment in which our companies are operating.

What have you personally learned the most from your time at FTI?

The thing I’ve learned the most since starting at FTI is that everyone has a valid perspective to bring to a conversation. My team recently participated in a workshop with the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London and one of the big takeaways was that, when brainstorming and thinking creatively, it should always be a “Yes AND…” not “yes BUT” or “No”. “Yes AND” strikes at the core of the fact that there’s always something that someone else can bring to a certain idea, and you will always stand to benefit from other people bringing their perspectives into the conversation. Especially at FTI where we have so many experts and really smart people with such diverse backgrounds. Their ideas are pretty much always going to be additive!

Finally, what’s the last book you’ve read or show you’ve streamed that you’ve enjoyed?

My reading and streaming predilections fall into two or three very distinct buckets. I’m a big fan of 19th century British and American literature, because I love books which are character focused. Those are really appealing to me as a people person. I like to figure out interpersonal dynamics and why people think and act in a certain way, how they influence people and how other people react to them. Contrast that with my streaming, which is basically just watching the latest Netflix documentary!


The views expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and not necessarily the views of FTI Consulting, its management, its subsidiaries, its affiliates, or its other professionals.

©2022 FTI Consulting, Inc. All rights reserved.

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