Climate & Net Zero Strategies 

FTI Consulting Public Affairs Snapshot – New Year: New Energy, Driving a step change in the UK’s decarbonisation efforts

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Despite the COVID crisis, 2020 saw the UK government set out its ambitions and proposals for meeting the decarbonisation challenge. The UK faces an uphill struggle in order to meet the 2050 net zero target that is now confirmed in law. A step change is required through the 2020s if the UK is to fulfil its ambitions to become a clean energy superpower and set an example as it hosts the COP26 climate conference. FTI Consulting looks at how the government is driving this, taking stock of recent policy developments and charting the evolution of the UK’s decarbonisation efforts over the last year as we move into the coming decade.

The advent of a new year brings time for reflection, as well as the setting of new goals, plans and resolutions. Whilst December typically involves overindulgence, January is about reconnection and refocussing on long-term priorities. Nowhere has this been more evident than in energy and climate policy. December saw the energy world gifted several Christmas presents in the form of a glut of important policy publications, designed to build out and add detail to the government’s vision for the UK’s energy and climate policy landscape. As 2021 begins, the sector will digest these policy and proposal-rich resolutions, which will shape the government’s decarbonisation efforts for the rest of the decade and beyond.

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