
Carbon Capture M&A Is Accelerating – Here Is a Quick Guide for Interested Parties

February 19, 2024—Carbon capture is no longer a niche industry.  With companies’ net zero goals inching ever closer...

What to Say and When to Say It: Managing Corporate Reputation Through Polarizing Cultural Moments

February 19, 2024—With increased public scrutiny shifting the power dynamics between businesses and their customers, c...

FTI Consulting UK Public Affairs Snapshot: The Apprenticeship Levy and Britain’s skills gap

February 16, 2024—This week offers us the opportunity to reflect on National Apprenticeship Week 2024, the Government�...

Done Deal – Insights from our M&A and Activism team – February 2024

February 15, 2024—Insights from our M&A and Activism team Welcome to the latest installment of Done Deal! In this ...