
FTI Consulting UK Public Affairs Snapshot: The three Labour governments: Scenario planning from a landslide government to a hung parliament

March 4, 2024—It is easy to assume that we know what a Labour government under Keir Starmer would prioritise. Afte...

Growing Scrutiny of M&A in Space and Defense Demands Enhanced Due Diligence to Manage Risk and Secure Deal Approval

February 23, 2024—Key Takeaways M&A is on the rise in the space sector driven by a variety of factors, including: ...

FTI Consulting Public Affairs Snapshot: 2024 Munich Security Conference: Can Europe match its rhetoric with action?

February 23, 2024—Last weekend’s Munich Security Conference (MSC24) held a magnifying glass over a growing anxiety i...

Legacy of Conflict: Businesses Grapple with Complex Transitional Justice in Colombia

February 21, 2024—Since the 2000s, Colombia’s peace processes have aimed to demobilize various illegal armed gro...