Organizational Culture

FTI Consulting helps to design and embed organizational culture, and support culture change initiatives aligned to vision, mission and values that drive performance and effectiveness.

As reinforced by the COVID-19 pandemic, times of disruption, change and transformation demand a strong organizational culture that supports business performance in the face of adversity. Culture — whether by design or default — is the critical driver separating companies that thrive from those that flounder when faced with crisis and downturn.

Covid-19 has had an unprecedented impact on the way companies do business and how people work. Our interactions with clients on this topic have shown that as organizations recast business strategies for success in a post-pandemic world, those that are prudent also rethink and rewire the cultural DNA of their organization — how people deliver on the strategy — to meet emerging demands and create a resilient business that thrives in the ‘new normal’.

We believe the organizations that will thrive in this new normal will be those that have a clear sense of purpose, along with a culture that embraces ambiguity and encourages exploration beyond the tried-and-tested, and that is intentionally collaborative both internally and externally, including with non-traditional stakeholders. The COVID-19 pandemic offers every company the opportunity to address things that are not working in their “business as usual” culture and make a fresh start.

At FTI Consulting, we use our proprietary culture methodology to help you crystallize and leverage your corporate culture. We examine a range of levers across tangible aspects (such as governance, structures and processes, communication and performance management) and intangible aspects (such as group dynamics, leadership role-modeling, and individual beliefs and mindsets). This systemic scan allows us to identify gaps and opportunities across several dimensions — structurally, collectively and individually — that we can adjust to protect and enhance your culture and, ultimately, your organization’s promise to customers.

Leslie Benson
Senior Managing Director
[email protected]

Victoria Strachwitz
Senior Managing Director
[email protected]

Shannon Stucky Pritchett
Senior Managing Director
[email protected]

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Toward a Brave New World: reboarding your workforce in the new normal

June 18, 2020 — COVID-19 took organizations by surprise and shook them to their core. With an estimated 2.6 billion ...

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The Culture Club: Developing a Privacy Culture Through Effective Training and Awareness

March 27, 2020 — In this article originally published in Corporate Disputes, Nina Bryant and Camilla Westlake discuss...

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From Viral to Virtual

March 24, 2020 — 5 Steps to create a culture of collaboration in virtual teams during a time of crisis.

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Gender Dynamics At Work: The Importance Of Workplace Culture

March 28, 2019 — FTI Consulting and Washington, D.C.-based women’s leadership firm Mine The Gap today released the ...