Financial Communications

A global leader with local presence.

FTI has one of the largest financial communications practices in the world with 200+ dedicated professionals around the world. We are a trusted leader in helping companies solve complex, multi-stakeholder transaction and investor relations issues. Our team of former lawyers, bankers, investors, analysts, journalists, and policymakers help c-suites, boards, and management teams navigate moments of challenge throughout the entire corporate lifecycle. From growth to value enhancement and protection, we partner with clients to deliver results and communicate impact.
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Board and Management Considerations in the face of COVID-19

April 9, 2020 — As global stocks remain at their lowest levels in years, deals are put on hold, dividends are postpo...

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M&A Trends, Transaction Pitfalls and More

March 30, 2020 — A Conversation with Cristiano Guerra, Managing Director at ISS In early March 2020, FTI Consulting�...

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Regulation and Investor Expectations: A corporate governance insight paper ahead of the 2020 AGM season

March 29, 2020 — Ever since the financial crisis of 2008, the level of scrutiny on Boards of Directors and companies ...

M&A In Focus: Don’t Forget to Tell Shareholders How We Got Here

March 4, 2020 — Shareholder buy-in can make or break your transaction, a detailed process is imperative for your suc...