Energy & Natural Resources

FTI Consulting knows energy.

With the largest dedicated Energy & Natural Resources practice in the world, FTI is regularly called upon by large firms involved in nearly all aspects of the energy industry to develop and execute strategies around the most complex, high-stakes communications challenges imaginable.

Our team includes former industry journalists, buy and sell-side analysts, corporate investor relations and public, government and media affairs managers, and senior policy and communications professionals from relevant government agencies in Washington, Brussels, London and beyond.

From financial transactions to shareholder activism, and from license-to-operate issues to operational crises: when it matters most, the world’s biggest names in the energy sector rely on the deep subject matter-expertise and sprawling network of third-party relationships that our global team brings to the table. 

Capital Markets & Investor Relations

Global Head of Energy – Senior Managing Director
[email protected]

Senior Managing Director
[email protected]


Senior Managing Director
[email protected]

Global Energy & Natural Resources Sector Statement of Core Principles & Beliefs
To Make “Made in America” EVs a Reality, We Need to Address the Elephant in the Room: U.S. Critical Mineral Supply
A Successful Latin America Hydrogen Story Needs to Start with Collective Action
Hydrogen might well be the next success story in the global energy transition. If Latin America…
LNG By Rail: Meeting the Natural Gas Infrastructure Challenge