COVID-19 UK Political Analysis by Tim Hames – 5th June 2020

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Back to Brexit. A UK-EU FTA deal may go to the wire but can be done.

It is a strange world where writing about Brexit almost feels like light relief. After ten plus weeks focused on the coronavirus crisis, the opportunity for a change of subject is here. This week has witnessed another round of negotiations, apparently not conducted in the very best of spirits, between the EU-27 and the UK over the Free Trade Agreement that would be the basis for their future relationship. Before any more talking can occur after this session, the political leadership of the two sides are legally obliged to take stock on the progress that has been made and whether it is (a) worth continuing at all and (b) if the option of an extension to a transition period due to end on December 31 should be exercised, as by law it must be, before July 1. Expectations are hardly high at this hour.

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