CEO Leadership Redefined

CEO Leadership Redefined – Part 3

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CEOs must champion sustainability and lead with purpose.

In the face of global disruption caused by climate change, social volatility and geopolitical uncertainty, the actions that companies are taking to address these issues and make a positive impact on people and the planet have never been more important.

A host of a company’s stakeholders – from investors and employees to customers and policymakers – are increasingly demanding that companies operate with greater transparency and purpose.

For CEOs, this paradigm shift has fundamentally changed their job responsibilities, as identified in the first installment of our CEO Leadership Redefined series. While historically a CEO’s primary focus was to generate strong returns for shareholders, today CEOs are also expected to deliver long-term, sustainable value that goes beyond the bottom line and serves the interests of society.

In this third installment of our CEO Leadership Redefined series, we use our research of two of companies’ most important stakeholders – working professionals and investors – to explore the role of the CEO in championing sustainability and leading with purpose.

“Two of a company’s most critical stakeholders, investors and professionals, are making it clear that the responsibilities of a CEO must include more than turning a profit in order to create long-term value for the business. CEOs need to lead with purpose and take ownership over sustainability strategies, which includes working to lower a company’s environmental impact, making a positive impact on communities where it operates and creating a culture where all employees can thrive.”

Christine DiBartolo – Senior Managing Director, Americas Head of Corporate Reputation

Download the full report below.


The views expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and not necessarily the views of FTI Consulting, its management, its subsidiaries, its affiliates, or its other professionals.

©2022 FTI Consulting, Inc. All rights reserved.

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