
An Inhospitable Environment: Covid-19 and the future of the UK’s leisure and hospitality industries

May 20, 2020—The Covid-19 pandemic is having a profound impact on every sector of the UK economy. The need to res...

FTI Consulting Public Affairs Snapshot – Beyond Coronavirus: The Future of the Treasury

May 13, 2020—Survival is the easy bit. Recovering will be much, much harder.

How the Coronavirus pandemic is affecting social media advertising: Five things you should know

May 12, 2020—We’re living in unprecedented times. We don’t know how it’s all going to play out, how long it...

Tax Ones to Watch: Trends on the EU Agenda

May 7, 2020—Where 2019 is the year of change, 2020 will be the year of impact. The new European Commission manda...