
A Glance at the Political Fringes: AfD and Linke in the Run-up to the German Federal Elections

July 27, 2021—Beyond Laschet, Baerbock and Scholz So far, the center-right Union, the Greens, the social-democrati...

The Decade of Disputes & the impact of litigation funding

July 22, 2021—As the “decade of disputes” continues, research by FTI Consulting has found that third-party lit...

Fit-for-55, en route to Fit-for-100

July 16, 2021—Under the pressure of climate change and the urgency to act, the European Union has recently adopted...

The Union and Armin Laschet – the new (old) front runner

July 13, 2021—Armin Laschet (CDU/CSU) on the rise, Annalena Baerbock (Greens) in decline and Olaf Scholz (SPD) lin...