People & Transformation



As late summer approaches in the Northern Hemisphere, our team is pleased to share views, news and practical guidance on the people and organizational issues we’re helping clients address.

COVID-19 of course remains the dominant theme that threads its way through most conversations, challenges and opportunities amongst the organizations we partner with. And while we see greater acceptance of a blended working environment where the choice to return to the office or work from home is not binary, leaders – and the people for whom they are responsible – are confronting a mix of questions:

  • Across Europe and the US, as the end of government-supported furlough schemes begin to bite, critical – painful – choices in terms of who stays and who goes must be made. How leaders, managers, HR and communications professionals approach and execute how they future-proof their operating model, even in the short term, raises workforce, reputational and legal risks that they must embrace. In this short piece, here, Bobby Chatterjee provides some perspective on best practice.
  • In organizations that have stabilized their position or that have more bandwidth to consider how they reshape their operations, we hear: ‘If COVID-19 has brought the future forward, how do we build-back-better, informed as much by what the future of work is likely to look like rather than simply finding a way back to where we came from?’ Jonathan Croft outlines key themes all organizations need to consider in rethinking their workplace, particularly in environments where a compelling employee value proposition will determine how effectively the organization will retain and recruit great talent. Click here to access ‘the future of work’. This follows on from our previous piece on ‘Back to the Future of Work’.
  • If old ways of working are expiring at speed, then how learning happens in organizations is front and centre of that change. The COVID-19 pandemic and plethora of issues and opportunities it has created is challenging people at every level to identify the gaps in their skills, knowledge and capabilities – in how they lead, manage, engage, deliver and add value. Matthew Solon offers insight and guidance in how to reimagine learning in a new world. See here.
  • Many organizations are beginning to re-board their employees into the new, post-COVID working environment. As countries ease their lockdown restrictions and some form of ‘normalcy’ returns, employees are moving into a new world where virtual and physical working are blended together. Sabine Clappaert explores how to make that move successful by looking at a series of critical considerations including leadership, collaboration, mental health and communication. Click here to download.

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