Digital & Insights

FTI Spotlight Series: Nour Shreim

Nour, who holds a PhD in social sciences works in FTI’s data and analytics team. Prior to joining FTI she was Head of Data, Insights and Innovation at the Mandala Group and before that she served as Global Head of Data and Insights at Deltatre, the largest independent OTT solution provider powering the digital experience.

Can you describe the ways in which primary research and data science inform what you do for campaigns for clients?

In an overly populated online landscape, many are seeking to break through the noise in an effort to remain informed, agile and decisive. Analytics and data science allow organisations to maintain a deep, nuanced understanding of topics, issues, and stakeholders (their perceptions, motivations, and behaviours as well as the landscape that is shaping their understanding). Therefore, companies need to identify where communication activities are most impactful and how.

At FTI, we use the insights gained from our analysis to help craft engaging content and messaging, identify key audiences for campaigns and marketing efforts as well predict how certain messages will land with stakeholders.

As a data team, our primary focus is to shape decisions and affect change; enabling our clients to change the game in their industries based on truthful data and expert recommendations.

What unique solutions can FTI bring to help clients navigate this changing landscape? 

There are a number of Data Science and Analytics services that our team can bring to our clients to help them unlock opportunities and overcome challenges. For example, our tools might include the ability to:

  1. Predict crisis and the potential impact of reputational threats: by analysing online conversations and reputation drivers, our advanced analytics and data sciences capabilities can move from simple media monitoring techniques to a more predictive approach. This helps our clients spot anomalies and track movement and action before a situation escalates.
  2. Identify white space opportunities to help our clients stay ahead of the curve. Our cutting-edge technology can help spot trends early and therefore allow our clients to plan communication activities in line with where the conversation is moving and what their audiences/stakeholders are interested in.
  3. Test how messages will land with stakeholders. As data experts we want to make sure that our clients are saying the right thing at the right time. FTI’s Virtual Message Testing solution helps companies find the right way of framing a message to achieve impact. We use advanced statistics to analyse the wordings and terminology in corporate messages and external content from media coverage, social chatter, and other sources.

How does your teamwork with others in the firm to provide holistic and integrated solutions? 

Whilst we are data professionals, we are by no means subject matter experts or communications specialists in the same way as our colleagues in specialized areas of the firm. Therefore, we continuously collaborate with others to enhance any analysis and provide guidance around recommendations. We have a shared ambition of ensuring that our clients stay competitive and can maximise the impact they generate.

What piece of advice can you give companies or brands who are beginning to consider using primary research and data science or analytics to reach their stakeholders?

Be aware of confirmation bias. Often people place greater emphasis on information that subconsciously supports pre-existing beliefs or biases. So, my advice would be to have an open mind, allow yourself to be wrong and questions your results to ensure that the insights you’re unveiling are with the greatest precision.

What advice would you give young career professionals just starting out in the business?

Two pieces of advice. 1. Focus on developing skills that will help you stand out later in your career. 2. Make connecting with others a priority. Especially at FTI, people are very friendly and approachable and are always happy to spare 10-15 mins to chat. From my experience, this is the best way to gain a deeper insight into different segments and sectors at work and the different career paths that you can take. You will also learn a great deal along the way.

What have you learned most from your time at FTI?

To be open-minded and get involved in everything that comes my way. There isn’t a typical day at FTI which is what makes it fun. Also to leverage on the great knowledge and resources that exist in the business, I’m new to communications so working with a high achieving and motivated team has been incredibly helpful.

What’s the last book you’ve seen or show you’ve streamed?

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig.


The views expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and not necessarily the views of FTI Consulting, its management, its subsidiaries, its affiliates, or its other professionals.

©2022 FTI Consulting, Inc. All rights reserved.

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